Reed Trio (1958)



Variants for piano and four percussion groups (1960)



Echoes I for piano and percussion (1961)



Echoes II for five performers (1961-62)



Echoes II for 1, 2, 3 or 4 pianos, chimes, 2 gongs, 2 tam-tams and tape (1961-63)

Tape made at the Polish Radio Experimental Studio in Warsaw, Bohdan Mazurek – producer.

Edition: PWM 1965

Recording: DUX 0936/0937 BR ES08, Tomasz Sikorski – piano, percussion


Sketches for string quartet (1962)



Monodia e Sequenza for flute and piano (1966)

Edition: PWM / Ed. Modern 1975


Intersections for 4 percussionists (36 percussion instruments) (1968)



Homophony for 12 brass instruments, piano and gong (1968-1969)

Scoring: 0000-4440-gng-pf

Edition: PWM / Ed. Modern 1973

Recording: Muza XL 0663, musicians of the Polish Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, cond. Eleazar de Carvalho; Muza SX 2857, Szábolcs Esztényi – piano, Polish Radio and Television Orchestra in Warsaw, cond. Mieczysław Nowakowski


Diaphony for two pianos (1969)

Edition: PWM 1971, Agencja Autorska 1974

Recording: Muza SX 2857, Szábolcs Esztényi, Eugeniusz Knapik – pianos


For Strings for 3 violins and 3 violas (1970)

Edition: PWM / Ed. Modern 1975


Without a Title for piano and three optional instruments (1972)

Edition: Agencja Autorska 1974


Listening Music for two pianos (1973)

Edition: Agencja Autorska 1974

Recording: Muza SX 2857, Szábolcs Esztényi, Eugeniusz Knapik – pianos


Sickness unto Death for reciter, two pianos, four trumpets and four horns to text by Søren Kierkegaard

Edition: PWM 1981

Recording: Muza SX 1525, Zbigniew Zapasiewicz – reciter, Tomasz Sikorski – piano, brass ensemble conducted by the composer


Afar a Bird for clavichord or piano, recorded clavichord or piano and whispering voice to text by Samuel Beckett (1981)



Quintet for strings and piano (1987)



Works with unknown or uncertain dates of composition

Two Two-Voice Canons for flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon



Music for brass, tam-tams and chimes


FaLang translation system by Faboba